人生不向花前醉 花笑人生也是呆

浪漫情人 Don Juan
[Do you really love a woman?]
Bryan Adams原唱
一首不能滿足 但是想聽的都被資本主義[禁止嵌入]

Don Quixote 唐吉軻德

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又是一首紅到被禁止嵌入的 影片
果然 dirty 的 dirty dancing

Those wedding bells are ringing up upon that hill
And I don't wanna swallow such a bitter pill
You keep on moving, but, I stay still
But I always loved you and I always will

Days of no sleeping
Caked in mud
All kinds of poison in my blood
I lost the only thing I ever loved

I heard them ringing and processioning by
Umbrellas in the clear blue sky
I saw you swimming in that sea of white

And wedding bells ringing up upon that hill
And I don't wanna swallow such a bitter pill
You keep on moving, baby, I stay still
I always loved you and I always will
I loved you and I see it still
I always loved you and I always will
Singing, Ohh lalalalalalalalala...

If everything that went before didn't matter, so
I always loved you and I always will

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很硬的歌 才讓人動容