西瓜日 (summer time)

天微亮 星未墜 風是多麼的涼

因為熱瘋了 沒法冷靜仔細和那些一溝又一溝的縫溝通
但是吃完就洗澡 接著上床睡去
所以 睡飽飽 才會在四點半醒來
[不要和鬆餅機過不去] [更不要和自己過不去]
不要和任何 人 事 物 過不去~~~~~
繞道而行 輕鬆多了

一大片窗戶 讓我在和油煙糾纏不清時 不會得憂鬱症
但是一早就日光浴 坐上餐桌時已汗水淋漓
此時 一大片西瓜 拯救我的人生

多汁甜美 價格又優
當水喝 當飯吃
聰明的你 現在就去買一顆
太大顆的話 左鄰右舍 同事好友 一起分享
夏日炎炎 來吃西瓜吧 !!!!!!!

It's summer time

I don't have a job
I never liked them
I just wanna play in the sunshine

They say I was wrong
But I know better
I live my life like I'm dying

Gimme a chance
I'll do my best to kick and scream and dance
When winter comes I'll turn around

Take me back to the sweet times
The hot nights
Everything is gonna be alright
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
And even if I have to wait til next year
I don't care
All I know is that I'll meet you there
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
That is where I'll be

I can't complain
'Cos I'm still breathing
There's nobody breathing down my neck now

Gimme a go
Like an open furnace setting fire to snow
When winter comes I'll ask the crowd

To take me back to the sweet times
The hot nights
Everything is gonna be alright
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
And even if I have to wait til next year
I don't care
All I know is that I'll meet you there
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
That is where I'll be

So let me run
I'll dream until my head weighs 16 tonnes
And when I wake sometime in June
I'll say

Take me back to the sweet times
The hot nights
Everything is gonna be alright
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
And even if I have to wait til next year
I don't care
All I know is that I'll meet you there
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime

Take me back to the sweet times
The hot nights
Everything is gonna be alright
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
And even if I have to wait til next year
I don't care
All I know is that I'll meet you there
In the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
Baby, in the summertime
That is where I'll be